What documents do we keep after a file closes? Can I just get a printout from my lender?
Georgia's recently begun processing exams through the State Examination System (SES) platform
The SES (State Examination System) automates audits SA's (Supervisory Activity). Here's how to add a user to your SA
The SES (State Examination System) is connected to the NMLS system. Adding people and updating documents is similar to that architecture.
In addition to answering a manager's questionnaire, the regulator may ask for documentation from your packages. How do I package that material?
Managers must take the same quizzes as employees, but they also have to take additional training. We have an extensive library of compliance manager training on YouTube. Here's how to document online training video completion on YouTube.
A very long, multi-section questionnaire makes this examination seem more daunting than it is.
Maryland has an extensive questionnaire with requests for many documents. Where are these documents in your manuals?
TX has one of the more transparent examination protocols. Read the Compliance Guide to prepare yourself. We can help with policies and procedures, as well as helping you stack your files. March 2024 - TX has transitioned to the State Examination System to manage questionnaires and submissions. Read our SES articles to understand this process.
Washington's examination is pretty straightforward, until you get into the details
Our modules are structured to consider the flow of the business, and the way responsibilities are usually divided in the business. Understanding this will help you find the procedures you're looking for.