The first thing to note: a reverse mortgage is not a forward mortgage, so you don't use the LE - use the GFE/TIL/HUD-1 document set.
Second, (HECM - Home Equity Conversion Mortgage)'s require counseling, so the counseling list and requirement should be presented to the senior.
Then, for FHA Reverse Mortgages, use the following loan-level disclosures:
- HP-FHA Amendatory Clause to be signed/dated by all parties.
- H4P-Real Estate Certification to be signed/dated by all parties.
- H4P-For Your Protection, Get a Home Inspection to be provided to applicants and included in the loan file.
- Important Terms (HECM purchase) required.
State Specific Disclosures
Many states have elder abuse laws that overlay on top of mortgage laws. To ensure that you review these, please also search for elder abuse, senior citizen protections, and other related terms in addition to "reverse mortgage" when searching for applicable regulations.