QC Plan Revision Dates
Regulators, Agencies, and investors often reportedly require QC plans to reflect a "revision date." This requirement stems from Fannie Mae and other secondary market buyers' requirements for vendor oversight.
Technically, the date you received your product is the last revision date unless you have updated it yourself. In that case, you want to reflect this.
Our materials are regularly updated, so you don't have to worry about stale materials. If you haven't updated your materials, we happily provide complete updates for free for products purchased within the last 12 months. (Only $100 for complete updates for products purchased over 1 year ago.)
How to Edit Revision Date
You can add a revision date to your QC plan to the footer of your plan in Word by
1.) clicking on the footer
2.) from the Microsoft Word toolbar, look at the insert option
3.) you will see a little Tools icon (Quick Parts). Click on that
4.) Choose insert a field
5.) Choose SaveDate Field
6.) Make sure the date that appears is the one you want to use. Click on the format you want (recommend mm-dd-yyyy)